miniature poodle

The miniature poodle – a loyal family friend with charm.

The miniature poodle, a dog breed recognized by the FCI, belongs to the poodle family and originally comes from France.

Characteristics of the miniature poodle:

  • Size and weight: With a height of 28-35 cm and a weight of 4.5-7 kg, the miniature poodle is the smallest member of the poodle family.
  • Color Variety:** Miniature Poodles come in a variety of colors, including black, white, apricot, cream and many more.
  • Character:** These dogs are intelligent, focused, active, trainable, instinctive and loyal.
  • Life expectancy:** Miniature Poodles can live to be 12 to 15 years old.

Origin and history:

The name “poodle” is derived from the French word “caniche”, which is etymologically linked to the female duck “cane”. The miniature poodle was originally used to hunt feathered game and is descended from the Barbet. Over time, the poodle developed into a popular companion due to its friendly, playful and loyal character.

miniature poodle

Distribution and popularity:

The Poodle, including the Miniature Poodle, is one of the world’s most popular dog breeds. Their exceptional docility and adaptability make them ideal family dogs. Toy poodles can already be seen in paintings by Dürer from the 16th century, and they were also immortalized by the famous painter Goya.

Poodles in history:

Originally from Germany, the poodle quickly spread to France. There they are still called “caniche” today, which means “duck dog”. Because of their docility, they were used in circuses and were also very popular at aristocratic courts.

The special coat of the poodle:

The Poodle’s coat has always been a challenge for their owners. They used to be individually styled, even with a family crest in the coat. As well as for dog shows, poodles were also prized for truffle hunting because of their fine nose.

miniature poodle

Character of the miniature poodle:

The miniature poodle is friendly, intelligent and, due to its size, also suitable for keeping indoors. Its loyalty, docility and patience make it an ideal family dog.

All in all, the miniature poodle is a charming companion with a fascinating history, characterized by its pleasant nature and versatility.