White shepherd dog

The Berger Blanc Suisse – White Shepherd Dog from Switzerland

The Berger Blanc Suisse, also known as the White Shepherd, is a recognized dog breed from Switzerland. Here are the most important facts at a glance:

Breed characteristics:

  • Character:** Attentive, intelligent, sociable, lively, friendly, affectionate
  • Size:** Females: 55-61 cm, males: 60-66 cm
  • Life expectancy:** 10 – 14 years
  • Weight:** females: 25-35 kg, males: 30-40 kg
  • Origin:** Switzerland
  • Color:** White
  • Other names:** White shepherd dog
White Shepherd Dog

History and origin:** White shepherd dog

White Shepherd Dogs developed as an independent breed in the USA and Canada before being imported to Switzerland in the 1970s. Today, they are a well-documented breed with a clear pedigree.


The coat of the White Shepherd Dog is pure white, short to medium length or long. Pricked ears, a black nose and almond-shaped eyes give it a characteristic appearance.


Grooming is simple, weekly brushing for short-haired varieties and several times a week for long-haired varieties. The coat stays clean easily even after outdoor activities.


The character traits of the White Shepherd vary, some describe them as self-confident and strong-nerved, others as shy. Responsible breeding is important to promote the individual characteristics.

White Shepherd Dog

Dealing with the dog:**.

White German Shepherds are popular, but require careful preparation and training. With the right pedigree and early training, they are tolerant and have a high stimulus threshold.

Activities and occupation:**

This breed is versatile and enjoys participating in a variety of activities, from dog sports to assisting in rescue missions. He is alert, willing to work and moves well in a family pack.


The Berger Blanc Suisse is not only an excellent companion dog, but also a versatile partner for active dog owners. The right pedigree and training are crucial for a harmonious life together with this intelligent and affectionate dog.