Sealyham Terrier

**Sealyham Terrier: The robust British dog breed from Wales

The Sealyham Terrier, a British dog breed recognized by the FCI, has its origins in beautiful Wales and belongs to FCI Group 3 of terriers. Named after the Sealyham estate near Haverfordwest, this breed was bred in the second half of the 19th century through a targeted breeding program.

Characteristics and appearance

With a maximum height of 31 cm and a weight of between 8.2 and 9 kg, the Sealyham Terrier is a compact companion. Its coat consists of a long, hard outer coat and a dense, weather-resistant undercoat, with the colors pure white or white with lemon yellow predominating. Brown, blue or badger-colored markings may appear on the ears and head.

Sealyham Terrier

Coat care and health

Daily grooming is essential for show dogs. Regular brushing and occasional visits to the groomer keep the coat in top condition. Despite its small size, the terrier surprises with its strong hind legs. The breed is known for its longevity.

History and breeding stories

The history of the Sealyham Terrier is characterized by John Edwardes, the “father” of the breed. His breeding selection was extremely rigorous and brutal. Young dogs had to chase away aggressive older dogs and pass an “eltistest”, which was the difference between life and death. This harsh selection characterized the dogs originally bred for hunting, even if it was softened over time.

Sealyham Terrier

From hunting dog to pleasant companion

Originally bred for hunting badgers, foxes and otters, Sealyham Terriers today show their versatile qualities as modern “show types”. Although they are no longer suitable for their original hunting tasks, they have retained their terrier qualities. Sir Jocelyn Lucas bred the “Lucas Terrier”, which is still used successfully for hunting today.

Character and nature of the Sealyham Terrier

Today’s Sealyham Terrier is a cheerful companion with typical terrier characteristics. He is self-confident, courageous and trusting and, despite his small size, is not shy at all. His humorous and playful nature makes him the ideal clown for a break. With its deep voice, it is also suitable as a guard dog, but remains friendly and docile.

Sealyham Terrier

Conclusion: The ideal companion with a history.

The Sealyham Terrier has a fascinating history from aggressive hunting dog to pleasant companion. With its robust appearance, humorous nature and affectionate nature, it is the ideal companion for anyone looking for a unique and charming dog. Despite his history, he retains his affection and brings joy to every home.