
The Schapendoes: an intelligent companion with charm

The Schapendoes, a Dutch dog breed recognized by the FCI, has more to offer than its tongue-twisting name suggests.

Origin and characteristics

The Schapendoes, its name reveals its original purpose – herding sheep. It originates from the Netherlands and belongs to the group of herding dogs. With a life expectancy of 12 to 15 years, a shoulder height of 40 to 50 cm and a weight of 12 to 25 kg (males) or 12 to 20 kg (females), the Schapendoes is a medium-sized dog with an imposing appearance.


Character and temperament

In addition to its handsome appearance, the Schapendoes also impresses with its exceptional character. As a guard dog, it is very intelligent and independent. It requires a clear but loving pack leader when working. Training is most effective through positive reinforcement, as pressure and impatience can be counterproductive.

The friendly and outgoing nature of the Schapendoes makes them a loyal companion and a family-friendly dog. However, he does not like to be left alone and needs specific training to tolerate the absence of his caregiver.


Activities and occupation

Outside, the Schapendoes is in its element. Its stamina, agility and speed make it the ideal companion for joggers, cyclists and horse riders. He is easy to motivate and participates enthusiastically in activities such as agility, obedience and dog dancing. This cheerful and playful breed quickly wins the hearts of its owners.

Use and distribution

Originally bred as a working dog, the Schapendoes has now found its place as a family and companion dog. In addition to the Netherlands, the breed is also found in Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Denmark and Finland.

Grooming and appearance

The shaggy coat of the Schapendoes comes in various colors, from blue-grey to black. Despite its imposing appearance, grooming is less time-consuming than expected. A weekly thorough brushing is usually sufficient. The belly, armpits and ears deserve special attention to avoid matting.



He is not only a fascinating working dog, but also a loving companion for the whole family. His intelligent and friendly characteristics make him an ideal companion for active people who enjoy being outdoors together. With its charming appearance and even-tempered nature, the Schapendoes is winning the hearts of dog lovers all over the world.