dog breed saluki

**Saluki – The elegant one among the dogs

The Saluki, also known as the Arabian Hound, Persian Greyhound or Gazelle Hound, belongs to the sighthound family and is listed in FCI Group 9. Its origins lie in modern-day Iran, where it is known as the “Tazi”. With a height at the withers of 58 to 71 cm and a weight of 18 to 27 kg, the Saluki presents itself as an elegant and muscular dog, especially due to its long, slender legs.

History and origin

The history of the Saluki goes back thousands of years and is closely linked to the Near and Middle East. Saluki-like dogs were depicted on Persian clay vessels as early as 4200 BC. The Egyptian pharaohs hunted with Salukis and this breed is even mentioned in the Koran as a “gift from Allah”.

Salukis first came to Europe during the Crusades, where they mixed with native breeds. It was not until the 17th century that they arrived in England with Arabian horses. They were recognized as an independent breed in England in 1923 and in the USA in 1927.

Dog breed Saluki

Characteristics and appearance

The Saluki has a smooth, silky coat that needs to be combed regularly. There are two breeds: the shorthaired and the feathered with silky fringes on the legs, tail and ears. The color palette ranges from white and cream to gold and red.

Character and nature

With its reserved and sensitive character, the Saluki seeks a close bond with its caregiver. Due to its pronounced hunting instinct, consistent training is important. The breed is characterized by balance, loyalty and adaptability.

Activities and needs

The Saluki is an enduring runner that can reach speeds of over 50 km/h and needs plenty of exercise. It can live out its urge to move on the racetrack or at hunting coursing. He is calm and house-trained indoors and lively and playful outdoors.

*Saluki - The elegant one among the dogs

Training and care

Training requires experience, basic knowledge and patience. The breed is child-friendly, sociable and family-oriented. The Saluki feels at home as an only dog in an active family. Regular combing and grooming of the feathered areas are part of coat care.

Conclusion: Unique elegance and loyalty

The Saluki not only impresses with its elegant appearance, but also with its loyal and balanced nature. With sufficient exercise and consistent training, it finds its place in active families. Its long history and its special role as a hunting dog make the Saluki a fascinating and unique dog breed.