phalene soft

The Phalène: insights into the history and character of a charming dwarf spaniel

The Phalène, also known as the dwarf spaniel, is not only a small companion dog, but also a fascinating housemate with an interesting history. Immerse yourself in the world of this charming dog breed and learn more about its origins, its easy-care characteristics and, above all, its lovable character.

The history of the Phalène:.

The roots of the Phalène go back to the 12th century, when these dwarf spaniels adorned the courts of the European nobility. Paintings by famous masters from the 14th century already show Phalènes with drooping ears. However, the French Revolution brought about a change – the standing ears appeared. After a reorganization of the breed by fanciers and breeders from France and Belgium, the first breed standard was established in 1905.

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*Special characteristics and appearance

Phalènes have a long, silky coat in the basic color white with characteristic markings in chestnut brown, red, brown or black. The standing or drooping ears are the most striking distinguishing feature from the Papillon, another variant of the continental dwarf spaniel. With a shoulder height of up to 28 centimetres and a weight of two to five kilograms, they are handy companions.

*Easy to care for and active

Grooming the Phalène is uncomplicated as its coat hardly gets dirty. Regular brushing and combing every few days keeps the shiny coat healthy and in shape. Despite its fine exterior, the Phalène is robust and enjoys long walks and occasional outdoor play.

*The enchanting nature of the Phalène

The Phalène is not only charming on the outside, but also impresses with its affectionate nature. Sensitive to the mood in the family, they are happy to adapt to your needs. These intelligent four-legged friends are just as happy to play as they are to cuddle. Children are welcomed in a friendly manner and the Phalène also gets on well with other pets.

*Keeping and training

Due to their relatively small size, Phalènes are suitable for homes of all sizes. They are easy to transport and love the company of their humans. They are less comfortable being alone, so a close bond with the family is important. Early training and an introduction to the diversity of the world make the Phalène a pleasant companion for beginners and experienced dog owners alike.


The Phalène occupies a special position among dog breeds. Its history, charming appearance and lovable character make it a popular companion. Anyone looking for a small, easy-care dog with great charm will find a loyal friend in the Phalène that will win their heart by storm.