Perro de Agua Español

The Perro de Agua Español: A versatile companion with a fascinating history.

The Perro de Agua Español, also known as the Spanish Water Dog, is a recognized dog breed from Andalusia, Spain. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) has officially recognized this breed. The Perro de Agua is a versatile companion that is suitable as a family dog as well as a working dog due to its friendly and lively temperament, its pronounced intelligence, its obedience and its adaptability.

Origin and types of the Perro de Agua

The roots of the Perro de Agua Español go back to the early days of the Iberian Peninsula. Particularly in Andalusia, where it is used as a herding dog, this breed has been known for centuries as the “Turkish dog”.

Perro de Agua Español

There are various types, including the Perro del Cantábrico, the Marismeño and the Sierra, which differ in origin and characteristics. The Perro del Cantábrico is adapted to harsh climates, the Marismeño is a specialist for swampy terrain, while the Sierra type is known for its endurance in the mountains.

Ideas about the origin of the Perro de Agua Español

There are theories about the origin of the Perro de Agua, including a link to the Moors and possible influences from Turkish water dogs. The Moors, who had a fondness for water-loving dogs, may have brought this breed to Spain and crossed it with native dogs. Another theory is the influence of Turkish water dogs on the breed during the Ottoman expansion in Spain.

Perro de Agua Español

Temperament, intelligence and obedience

The Perro de Agua has a friendly and even temperament. It is intelligent, easy to train and very obedient. These dogs are adaptable and can adapt well to different living conditions.

Characteristic curly coat and grooming

A characteristic feature of the Perro de Agua is its dense, water-repellent and curly coat. Regular brushing of the coat is necessary to keep it in good condition. Some owners prefer to shear the coat to make grooming easier, taking care to maintain its characteristic appearance.

Love of exercise, preference for swimming and fetching.

The Perro de Agua is a very active dog that needs plenty of exercise and activity. This breed loves to be outdoors, mainly swimming and playing fetch. It is particularly suitable for these activities due to its excellent swimming ability and intelligence.

Possible diseases

Like all dog breeds, the Perro de Agua is susceptible to certain diseases, including progressive retinal atrophy, neuroaxonal dystrophy and hip dysplasia (HD). Regular veterinary examinations are important to ensure the health of this breed.

Perro de Agua Español

Conclusion: A versatile companion with excellent characteristics.

The Perro de Agua Español is a fascinating, versatile dog breed with a rich history. From its origins in Andalusia to the different types and theories about its history, this breed offers an interesting variety.

With its friendly nature, intelligence and adaptability, the Perro de Agua is an excellent companion for a wide variety of living conditions and tasks.

The care of the characteristic coat requires a lot of attention, but the joy of exercise, swimming and retrieving make this breed an ideal partner for active families and dog lovers.