
The Pekingese: A look at the Chinese dog breed.

The Pekingese, also known as the Pekinese, is a companion dog and originally comes from China. Its ideal weight is under 5 kg for males and under 5.5 kg for females. With its striking appearance, luxuriant coat and history dating back to the Chinese Empire, the Pekingese is a fascinating companion with a life expectancy of 12 to 15 years.

**Origin and history of the Pekingese

The Pekingese, also known as the Pekinese, was once a privilege of the Chinese imperial family. Its presence in the palace marked it out as a “palace dog”, which could only be kept and bred by the nobility.

This two-thousand-year-old tradition was characterized by careful breeding and reverence. The Pekingese got its name “lion dog” because of its lion-like appearance and thick mane on its neck. In Chinese superstition, it was considered a “foo dog” that could drive away evil spirits.


**Character and nature of the Pekingese

In terms of character, the Pekingese is self-confident and sometimes stubborn, but never aggressive. Some describe his nature as rather cat-like – he can be cuddly when he likes it. Attachment to a person is paramount and they show affection and loyalty. As companion dogs, they prefer a quiet environment, but are willing to bark if provoked by strangers.

**The role of the Pekingese in history

The history of the Pekingese is rich in cultural and historical aspects. In imperial China, Pekingese were treated with the utmost respect and even had a special status during the Tang Dynasty in the 8th century.

The offerings made at the death of an emperor testify to the sacred status of these dogs. During the 2nd Opium War, the Chinese authorities tried to kill all Pekingese to protect them from the “white devils”. However, the British managed to bring some specimens to England, where the breed became increasingly popular.


**Coat care and health aspects

The Pekingese has a dense, rough coat that needs to be groomed regularly. The dense undercoat protects against the cold, but heat can be a problem for the dog. Particular attention should be paid to the short nose and large eyes to avoid breathing difficulties and eye problems. Responsible breeders play a crucial role in minimizing breed-specific diseases.

**Conclusion: An insight into the world of the Pekingese

The Pekingese is more than just a pet, it is a cultural symbol with a fascinating history. Its self-confident and affectionate character makes it a unique companion.


Breeders’ responsibility, coat care and attention to health aspects are crucial for the well-being of this fascinating dog breed. Overall, the Pekingese offers not only an enriching experience as a pet, but also an insight into the rich culture and history of China.