
The Otterhound: A rare British dog breed with a fascinating history and unique character

The Otterhound is a British dog breed that is recognized by the FCI and has a fascinating history and unique character. With a life expectancy of 10 to 13 years and origins in the United Kingdom, this hound breed has a lot to offer.

The Otterhound’s profile:

The Otterhound belongs to FCI Group 6 of running and welding dogs and originally comes from England. With an ideal height of 60 to 67 cm and a weight of 30 to 54 kg, it is an impressive representative of its breed. Its striking appearance is characterized by its hard and dense, 4-8 cm long coat in various colors such as grey, red, blue, black and others. Its “webbed” paws make it an excellent swimmer.

The Otterhound

History of the Otterhound:

The history of the Otterhound dates back to the Middle Ages, when otter hunting was very popular in Britain. In order to breed an efficient otter hunter, French rough-coated hounds were crossed with British Bloodhounds, Welsh Hounds and Waterspaniels in the 19th century. These dogs were characterized by endurance, swimming ability and an excellent nose.

Otter hunting reached its zenith in the 19th century with royal supporters such as King John, Richard III, Charles II and others. The otter population was regulated by hunting, as these animals were depleting the fish stocks in the rivers. Over time, however, the otterhound became increasingly rare due to crossbreeding with the foxhound, until it was almost extinct in Great Britain at the beginning of the 20th century.

However, the otterhound found its way to the United States, where it survived even without otter hunting. Today, the otter is a protected species in the UK, while otterhounds continue to be bred by fanciers and shown at dog shows in the USA and Europe.

The Otterhound

The nature of the Otterhound:

The nature of the Otterhound is friendly, calm and characterized by an innate passion for hunting. Its physique and its special webbed feet make it an excellent swimmer. The Otterhound is an affectionate, sometimes high-spirited and particularly child-friendly dog with a natural independence and great love for its people.

However, its loud voice and stubbornness require experienced dog owners. Due to its breeding for water work, the Otterhound has a water-repellent, oily and rough coat. As a large, strong running dog, it needs a lot of exercise. Due to its uniqueness and rarity, it is difficult to compare with other breeds, although it does have certain similarities with rough-coated running dogs such as the Nivernais and the Brittany.

The Otterhound


The Otterhound is a fascinating dog breed with a rich history, and a loyal companion with a unique character. Its rare characteristics and special breeding make it a real gem for experienced dog lovers who appreciate the versatility and beauty of this British breed.