The Lakeland Terrier: A breed portrait

The Lakeland Terrier: A breed portrait

Named after the stunning lake and mountain scenery of the Lake District in northwest England, the Lakeland Terrier is a fearless foxhunter whose history goes back to its roots in the Lake District. Originally bred to hunt foxes and badgers, these hardy working terriers are now not only loyal companions but also loving family dogs.

Origin and external characteristics

The origin of the Lakeland Terrier lies in the United Kingdom, more precisely in England. Since the 1950s, this fascinating breed has also found its way to Germany, but despite its impressive characteristics, it is still a rare sight.

The compact terrier reaches a maximum shoulder height of 37 centimetres and weighs between 7 and 8 kilograms in males and no more than 7 kilograms in females. Their dense, wiry, water-repellent coat makes them ideal diggers and satisfies their constant need for water. In terms of coat color, FCI Standard No. 70 offers a wide range of options, including black, blue, tan, red and more.

The Lakeland Terrier: A breed portrait

Easy to care for and healthy

The Lakeland Terrier’s rough outer coat with a dense, soft undercoat makes grooming relatively easy. Unlike many other breeds, this dog does not shed, and regular brushing and combing once or twice a week is enough to keep the coat in optimum condition. Trimming every three to four months removes dead hair and excess undercoat and ensures healthy skin and a shiny coat.

Training with love and consistency

Training the Lakeland Terrier requires a little more commitment, as this terrier breed is known for its stubbornness. Obedience on command alone is not their strength, they need patient, consistent leadership with loving strictness. A good pack leader is characterized by security and support, which makes this dog a harmonious companion for people of all ages.

Although the Lakeland Terrier can be reserved towards strangers at first, it proves to be an intelligent and courageous dog. Its distinctive barking not only signals alarm, but also its readiness for action. Nevertheless, it is first and foremost an affectionate and cuddly family dog that seeks to be close to its owner.

The Lakeland Terrier: A breed portrait

Character and nature

The Lakeland Terrier presents itself as an independent, self-confident and very persistent dog. He is calm and composed indoors, but shows impressive agility outdoors. These dogs love exercise and are enthusiastic companions on hikes, bike rides or horseback rides.

His light, cheeky nature makes him an equal partner to his human. With a certain go-getter mentality, they enjoy jumping into ponds and ditches. Their jumping ability and agility make them ideal for dog sports such as agility or tracking.

Individuality as an opportunity

An important aspect when considering the Lakeland Terrier is the individuality of each dog. No two Lakeland Terriers are the same, which makes the selection and training of this breed a unique opportunity. By understanding the needs and idiosyncrasies of each dog, you can gain a loyal and loving companion for all of your family’s life.


Overall, the Lakeland Terrier is not only a fascinating foxhunter with a rich history, but also a versatile and lovable family dog. With the right care, training and attention, this terrier is sure to win the heart of its owner and become a cherished member of the family.