The Irish Wolfhound: A majestic giant with a heart

The Irish Wolfhound: A majestic giant with a heart

The Irish Wolfhound, with its imposing appearance and gentle nature, is a fascinating dog breed that has its roots in Ireland. With a height at the withers of at least 79 cm in males and 71 cm in females and a weight of over 54.5 kg in males and 40.5 kg in females, this breed impresses not only with its size, but also with its grace.

History and origin

The exact history of the Irish Wolfhound is a mystery, but it is generally believed that large sighthounds were used for hunting in early Irish history. The “Cu”, a massive dog with a shaggy coat, is considered to be the ancestor of today’s Irish Wolfhound. These dogs were used to hunt elk, wild boar and wolves and impressed not only the locals with their size and strength, but also the Romans, who reported huge dogs from Ireland.

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In the Middle Ages, the Irish Wolfhound was mainly used for hunting and as a guard dog. Over time, it was increasingly used to hunt wolves, especially in Great Britain, where it posed a threat. Oliver Cromwell even banned the export of wolfhounds in order to preserve the number of dogs for wolf hunting.

Character and temperament

The Irish Wolfhound is characterized by its friendly and loyal nature. It is good-natured, intelligent and particularly devoted to its family. Despite its stately size, it is gentle and loves children, making it an ideal family dog. He should have plenty of space to run around and is not suitable for small homes due to his size.

Challenges in keeping them

Keeping and raising the Irish Wolfhound requires special attention and care. The enormous food costs and the special needs of young dogs make species-appropriate rearing a challenging task. It is important to check the pedigree carefully to ensure that the breeder has the dog’s welfare in mind.

The Irish Wolfhound: A majestic giant with a heart

Color variety and coat care

The Irish Wolfhound has a variety of coat colors, including gray, brindle, red, black, pure white, fawn, wheaten yellow and steel gray. Its rough coat is easy to groom and only needs to be combed occasionally. The long, wiry hair above the eyes and under the jaw gives it a striking appearance.

Legends and stories

The Irish Wolfhound is not only a dog breed, but also the subject of numerous legends and stories. From the legend of the fastest dog to run around an entire province to the famous story of “Gelert” who saved the life of a prince, these tales bear witness to the importance and admiration this dog has enjoyed throughout history.

The Irish Wolfhound: A majestic giant with a heart

Summary and costs

The Irish Wolfhound is undoubtedly a fascinating breed, but one that comes with its own particular challenges. From the high cost of food to the careful selection of the breeder, the decision to buy an Irish Wolfhound should be carefully considered.

All in all, the Irish Wolfhound is a unique breed that not only impresses with its appearance, but also with its history and character traits. For those who accept the challenge, this gentle giant can be a loyal companion and valued family member.