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The Great Dane – a gentle giant with a great history

The Great Dane, also known as the “Apollo of dogs”, is one of the most impressive dog breeds that Germany has produced. In this blog post, we take a look at their history, their character, their upbringing and the necessary aspects of keeping them.

*The history of the Great Dane

The origins of this impressive breed go back a long way. Dog-like figures were depicted on wall drawings, coins and paintings as early as 2200 BC. The Great Dane is closely related to the hunting dogs of the Middle Ages, which were used to hunt wild boar. Germanic tribes and Celts also used these impressive animals to hunt bears and wild boar and as war dogs.

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In the 19th century, the Great Dane changed from a hunting dog to a companion dog for wealthy citizens. Finally, Prince Bismarck made the Great Dane the German national dog in 1876. Today, this breed is popular worldwide as a guard and family dog.

*Character and temperament

The nature of the Great Dane is described as good-natured, gentle and loyal. Their elegant appearance and grace have earned them the nickname “Apollo of dogs”. These giants are tolerant of children and other animals, sociable and surprisingly calm.

Despite their friendliness, consistent training is important. The Great Dane can sometimes be a little stubborn, but training measures should be loving and consistent. Due to its size, it is important that it obeys your word to ensure control and safety.

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*Training and keeping

Although the Great Dane is a family dog, it is not necessarily suitable for beginners. Experienced handling of large dogs is necessary, especially when it comes to critical encounters with other dogs. Due to its imposing appearance, the breed is ideal as a guard dog.

They can be kept indoors, but the home should be at ground level and very spacious. Daily exercise is essential, as these giants need a lot of space. Please note the enormous amount of space required for baskets, lying areas and transportation in the car.

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*Health and nutrition

The Great Dane is prone to certain health problems such as hip dysplasia and gastric torsion, which are common in large dog breeds. The diet should be of high quality and adapted to the dog’s weight and activity level. The monthly cost of food can range from €75 to €130, depending on the quality of the food.


The Great Dane is undoubtedly a fascinating breed with a rich history. Their imposing appearance and friendly nature make them a popular companion. Proper training, sufficient exercise and loving care are crucial for a happy life together with this gentle giant. Anyone who chooses a Great Dane will be rewarded with a loyal and loving companion that will win the heart of any family by storm.