Cesky Terrier - A little powerhouse with Czech charm

Cesky Terrier – A little powerhouse with Czech charm

If you’re thinking about getting a new family member, the Cesky Terrier could be just the thing for you! This little guy not only has an exotic name, but also an exciting story to tell.

The roots of the Cesky Terrier: a wild mix

The story of the Cesky Terrier begins with František Horák, a breeder of Scottish Terriers and passionate hunter. In a fit of creativity and passion for hunting, he crossed his Scottish Terriers with Sealyham Terriers and voilà, the Cesky Terrier was born! Elegant but robust in nature, this little fellow quickly won the hearts of dog lovers.

Cesky Terrier - A little powerhouse with Czech charm

František Horák, the creator of this breed, died in Prague in 1996. However, his legacy lives on, as the Cesky Terrier was recognized by the FCI as the first Czech national breed in 1963. It conquered the stage not only in its home country, but also internationally when the American Kennel Club officially recognized the breed in 2011.

Character and temperament: A terrier with a temperament

Behind the cute façade lies a spirited terrier. The Cesky Terrier loves to hunt and dig, a trait that not every dog owner likes. If he is left alone, he shows his displeasure by barking loudly and continuously.

But don’t worry, the Cesky Terrier is not only a bundle of energy, but also an attentive watchdog. Well socialized, it is a pleasant family and companion dog. A certain stubbornness is not uncommon in terriers, and the Cesky Terrier is no exception.

Cesky Terrier - A little powerhouse with Czech charm

Training: A dream dog with love and consistency

Training this stubborn little dog requires sensitivity. Harshness is out of place here and will only unsettle the sensitive terrier. Remain consistent, reward good behavior and use praise generously. Training should start with the breeder and be continued by you. This little guy is smart and learns quickly, so be prepared!

Health: A few quirks, but nothing dramatic

The Cesky Terrier can suffer from Scottie Cramp, a hereditary disease that shows no symptoms at rest. However, when the dog is stressed, you can tell by the way he walks. Don’t worry, as a rule no special treatment is required and the dogs can continue to participate in family life.

Coat care: fluffy duty, but with style

To keep your Cesky Terrier looking good, regular brushing and trimming is a must. Every 4 to 6 weeks, the little rascal should have a beauty session to prevent matting.

Cesky Terrier - A little powerhouse with Czech charm

All in all, the Cesky Terrier is a charming mix of temperament and affection. With the right training and care, this little terrier will become a loyal companion and friend for the whole family.

So if you are looking for a dynamic four-legged friend with Czech flair, the Cesky Terrier could be just the thing for you!