Bologneser Dog

The Bolognese – Small but Mighty: Unveiling the Charming Breed’s Portrait


Welcome to the enchanting world of the Bolognese, often referred to as the Bichons of Italy. These little balls of fur carry with them a captivating history and a charm that effortlessly captures hearts. Let’s delve into the story of this breed, closely intertwined with the origins of the Maltese, and discover why it’s considered the intelligent luxury dog of the upper class.

A Storied Past

In the annals of history, even during the Roman era, Bolognese dogs held a position of high esteem as coveted gifts from the powerful. Cosimo de Medici, a prominent figure in the 14th and 15th centuries, took this adored breed to Brussels, presenting them as precious gifts to the Belgian nobility. In the former German Democratic Republic (GDR), Bologneses enjoyed a surge in popularity, and post-reunification, they became a valuable addition to the breeding stock in Western Europe.

Bologneser Dog

Rarity and Exclusivity

Fast forward to today, and the Bolognese stands as a breed of exceptional rarity. Only a handful of devoted breeders are tirelessly working to ensure the survival of these charming dogs. With approximately 100 puppies registered annually with the VDH, the exclusivity of the Bolognese is underscored, making them a true gem among canine companions.

Charming Companionship

The Bolognese has rightfully earned its place as a charming, happy companion and family dog. Affectionate and cuddly, this breed effortlessly wins hearts with its intelligent nature. Surprisingly robust for its small size, the Bolognese is an ideal playmate for older children, standing by their side through thick and thin.

High-Maintenance Charms

Every star has its quirks, and the Bolognese is no exception. This breed requires a bit more maintenance, especially concerning its pristine white coat. Regular brushing and combing become the secret to maintaining the loose, fluffy coat in optimal condition. It’s crucial to introduce puppies to this grooming routine early on, turning it into a playful activity that the Bolognese will come to enjoy later in life.

Dazzling Eyes and Endearing Longevity

Special attention is warranted for the eyes of these little whites to prevent unsightly tear marks. Anyone who has gazed into the loving eyes of a Bolognese will understand the importance of ensuring they always shine. With a realistic life expectancy of 12 years, Bologneses can be loyal companions for a substantial portion of one’s life. Some even defy expectations, reaching a ripe old age of 16, enriching the lives of their owners with their loving nature and unique charm.

Bologneser Dog


In a world teeming with diverse dog breeds, the Bolognese stands out as a jewel to be treasured. This small dog with a big heart and a captivating history is more than just a pet; it’s a delightful companion that leaves an indelible mark on the lives fortunate enough to be touched by its presence.