Bergamasco Shepherd: Unique Beauty with Herding Instincts

The Bergamasco Shepherd: Unique Beauty with Herding Instincts

In the heart of Italy, specifically in the picturesque town of Bergamo, a breed emerged that captivates not only with its beauty but also with its herding instincts. The Bergamasco Shepherd, affectionately known as the “Zottel,” carries the history of its hometown Bergamo like a precious legacy.

A glance at the profile:

According to FCI Standard No. 194, the Bergamasco Shepherd hails from Italy and impresses with a withers height of 58–62 cm (male) or 54–58 cm (female). This herding breed is not only visually stunning but also robust – males weigh between 32–38 kg, females between 26–32 kg. Yet, the Bergamasco is more than just external splendor.

Bergamasco Shepherd: Unique Beauty with Herding Instincts

A rescue after the war:

After World War II, the future looked bleak for this special breed. The herding dogs were no longer needed, and their population rapidly declined. However, then entered a heroine – Dr. Maria Andreoli. Her Dell’Albera kennel brought new glory to the Bergamasco, not only in Italy but also internationally.

From Bergamo to the world:

With champions from her breeding, Dr. Andreoli laid the foundation for breeding sites worldwide, from Belgium to the USA to Iceland. The Bergamasco captured the hearts of dog lovers in various countries and found homes in numerous breeding sites.

Character and temperament:

Intelligent and attentive – that’s how one describes the Bergamasco. Originally bred for herding flocks of sheep, it hasn’t forgotten its roots. Today, it is not only a courageous watchdog but also a loyal family and companion dog. It has never lost its herding instincts; it keeps the family in sight and tries to keep them together.

The fascinating coat:

But what truly makes the Bergamasco unique is its coat. A dense, double-layered coat of matted hair, the so-called “flocks.” These form naturally and have the same color as the undercoat. The flocks are not only visually appealing but also functional – they protect the dog from cold and wetness, especially in the alpine regions where the breed originated.

Intelligence, calmness, and work ethic:

The personality of the Bergamasco Shepherd is as fascinating as its appearance. Intelligent, calm, and equipped with a strong work ethic, it is excellent for tasks such as herding, guarding, and farm work. Loyal and affectionate towards its family, it is a perfect companion for active lifestyles.

Bergamasco Shepherd: Unique Beauty with Herding Instincts

The challenge of the Zottel:

Anyone considering adding a Bergamasco Shepherd to their family should be aware: This breed requires a lot of exercise, mental stimulation, and consistent training. Kennel confinement is not an option – the Bergamasco wants to be amidst its pack. Although its grooming needs are high, the loyal and devoted companion it provides makes every brush worthwhile.

The Bergamasco Shepherd, the “Zottel” from Bergamo, is not just a household dog. It is a piece of Italian history, a herding dog with character, and a living legend. In its coat, it carries not only flocks but also the stories of bygone times and the love of its breeders for this unique breed.