The American Foxhound is a hunting dog originally bred for fox hunting.
It is a pack hound, meaning it hunts in a group with other dogs. American Foxhounds are highly skilled at tracking the scent of foxes and locating them. They are also very fast and enduring.
During the hunt, American Foxhounds collaborate to find the fox. They follow the scent of the fox, emitting loud barks to inform the hunter of the pack’s location and the fox’s whereabouts.
American Foxhounds are highly spirited and have a strong hunting instinct. They are not suitable for being kept solely as pets and should only be owned by individuals who can allow them to pursue their hunting instincts.
Here are some features of the American Foxhound as a hunting dog:
- Sense of Smell: American Foxhounds have an excellent sense of smell, enabling them to track the scent of foxes over long distances.
- Speed: American Foxhounds are very fast, reaching speeds of up to 60 km/h.
- Endurance: American Foxhounds are highly enduring, capable of covering long distances without a break.
- Hunting Instinct: American Foxhounds possess a strong hunting instinct and are highly motivated to hunt foxes.
If you intend to keep an American Foxhound as a hunting dog, it is crucial to educate yourself about the breed and fulfill the requirements for hunting with dogs.

The American Foxhound breed is particularly suitable for individuals with experience in handling hunting dogs and the ability to channel their strong hunting instinct. Here are some characteristics and qualities of potential owners of this breed:
- Experience with Hunting Dogs: Ideal for individuals with experience in the care and training of hunting dogs, as the American Foxhound has a strong hunting instinct.
- Active Lifestyle: Well-suited for people with an active lifestyle who spend a lot of time outdoors and can engage their dog in hunting activities.
- Need for Space: Requires ample space for running and playing. A large fenced yard or access to expansive outdoor areas is advantageous.
- Consistent Training: Requires consistent training with positive reinforcement to ensure obedience and control.
- Time for Exercise and Mental Stimulation: Requires daily exercise and mental stimulation, including extended walks, running sessions, and mental challenges.
- Hunting Opportunities: Best suited for individuals who have the opportunity to engage their American Foxhound in hunting activities or participate in dog sports.
- Patience and Commitment: Requires patience and commitment, as the American Foxhound has an independent nature and requires consistent guidance.

New dog breed descriptions in a quick overview