Akbash Dog


The Akbash: A fascinating insight into a unique breed of dog

When it comes to dog breeds, there are many to choose from, from small and playful to large and majestic. Today, let’s take a closer look at the Akbash – a fascinating breed with a rich history and distinctive characteristics.

The history of the Akbash

The Akbash, also known as the “Akbash Dog”, originated in Turkey where they were used as livestock guards. For centuries, this breed has been renowned for its ability to protect and guard flocks, making it an integral part of Turkish shepherd culture.

The appearance of the Akbash

The Akbash is a large and imposing dog with an athletic build. They have a thick, white coat that not only enhances their beauty, but also suits their role as a guard dog. Their eyes can vary from almond shaped to round and often exude intelligence and alertness.

The temperament of the Akbash

In terms of temperament, the Akbash is a calm and composed dog. They are known for their independence and loyalty to family and territory. However, due to their herding instincts, they can also be watchful and protective. These qualities make them excellent watchdogs as well as loving family members.

Akbash Dog

The Akbash breed today

In modern times, Akbashes are often used as livestock guarding dogs due to their exceptional protective instincts. They are also popular companions for families looking for a loyal and affectionate pet. However, their size and protective instincts require consistent training and socialisation.


Overall, the Akbash is a fascinating breed with a rich history and unique characteristics. Traditionally used as herding dogs, they have also proven to be loving and loyal family pets. If you are looking for a loyal companion with protective instincts, the Akbash is definitely a breed worth getting to know better.

If you would like to learn more about the Akbash and other dog breeds, we recommend that you contact local breeders and dog clubs to find out more about these fascinating animals.