The Kerry Blue Terrier: An exciting dog breed from Ireland

The Kerry Blue Terrier: An exciting dog breed from Ireland

Origin and name

The Kerry Blue Terrier originally comes from Ireland, more precisely from County Kerry. Its name is derived from the “Ring of Kerry” region, where it served as a guard and hunting dog for Irish families.

The unique blue coat

The name “Blue Terrier” comes from its blue coat, which appears in various shades. After about 18 months, the originally black coat changes to a blue hue. The soft, wavy coat with no undercoat gives the dog a barely perceptible scent of its own.

History and origin theories

Legends surround the origin of the Kerry Blue Terrier. One says that the progenitor of the breed came from a sunken ship, while another theory mentions dogs after the sinking of the Spanish Armada in 1588. What is certain is that it was used as a versatile working dog in Ireland in the 18th century.

The Kerry Blue Terrier: An exciting dog breed from Ireland

Golden age and political significance

In the 1920s, the Kerry Blue Terrier experienced its heyday and became the mascot of the Irish patriots in the fight for national independence. Despite the political tensions, the Dublin Blue Terrier Club was founded.

Appearance and coat care

The characteristic appearance includes button-shaped ears, a thick, upright tail and an expressive head with long hair. Grooming is demanding and requires regular combing and brushing. The dense, finely curled coat must be carefully groomed.

Versatility and character

The Kerry Blue Terrier is a versatile dog, intelligent, lively and loyal. It is suitable as a guard, watch and hunting dog. Despite his stubbornness, he is easy to train and shows a special relationship with children.

Training and use

Training requires a firm hand and consistency, especially when dealing with other dogs. The Kerry Blue Terrier can excel in various dog sports such as agility and obedience. Its abilities range from hunting to being a loyal family dog.


To summarize, the Kerry Blue Terrier is not only a fascinating dog breed with an interesting history, but also a loyal companion that proves itself in various life situations. Its versatility, unique appearance and strong character make it a special dog for dedicated dog owners.